We would like to see this book in university & public libraries all over the world.

Bonaire Self-determination Denied

Historical events of the Breaking of the Netherlands Antilles

The book titled Self-determination Denied the main objective is to commemorate events that transpired from 2010 to 2020 and document important decisions, situations and actions that led towards the illegal annexation of Bonaire and the consequences thereof. For our foundation, it is imperative that it should be made clear that Bonaire peoples never choose for this status and overwhelmingly democratically through a referendum rejected the imposed current status of  “public entity” aka “special-municipality” embedded together with Saba and Sint Eustatius under unequal rights in the Dutch Constitution.


We feel we owe this to the ancestors that endure inhuman abuses and sacrificed their dignity, with their blood, sweat and tears, to give us a chance to be here today and inherited and acquired the inalienable democratic, self-determination and human rights. As such we owe our kids, our future generations at least a glimpse of our truth. If we ourselves don-not write our own story, the colonizer will whitewash our history again. The book will reveal the atrocities committed to our peoples, the social inequality, the oppression of our rights, suppression of our culture on Bonaire. Undemocratic imposed laws, policies, regulations, taxes, open immigration policies, that destitute our peoples from their natural food resources and inherited land and shrunk and displaced our Bonerians local population to a minority group on their own island in less than a decade.