“My fight for the rights of the people of Bonaire is peaceful and will always be so.”

— James Finies


Suriname 4th July, 2022

Mr. Finies informed the Secretary General of the United Nations that today in Bonaire, the Kingdom of the Netherlands not only controls the land, the wealth and the government, but also a discriminatory social structure prevails, typical of that Dutch colonialism that so much damage caused humanity in the 16th to 19th centuries. "The local population of Bonaire has been reduced to less 40 percent. In a few more decades we will have disappeared as Bonerians a result of the recolonization policies implemented by the Kingdom," Finies warned.

Within the framework of the 43rd Meeting of CARICOM Heads of State and Government, held in Paramaribo, James Finies denounced the policy of harassment carried out against him by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which he blamed for any attempt on his life. "My fight for the rights of the people of Bonaire is peaceful and will always be so," Finies reiterated.

A question that was raised many times by the leaders at the CARICOM meetings to us, what Holland has to gain?.. we informed, 200 nautical sea-miles of Exclusive Economic Zone of the Caribbean Sea to exploit all its natural resources.

James Finies delivered to the Secretary General of the UN, a complete report on the situation that Bonaire is experiencing, as well as the study "Assessment of self-governance sufficiency in conformity with internationally recognized standards: Country Bonaire", prepared by Dr Corbin and the Dependency Studies Project, which establishes and conclude..... that any projection of Bonaire as a model of democratic governance is illusory at best... deficient by all measures of democratic governance. However, whilst colonialism remains illegal, its illegality is often a matter of power, not justice .....

Mr. Finies thanked Guterres for the space provided and acknowledged the interest in the Bonaire Case and the political will shown by the Secretary General of the United Nations, a man committed to peace and international law.


22nd June Director, 2022.

Director CRU dr Victor Alexis:

Welcome Mr. James Finies and Davika Bissessar to our country Republic of Panama, and receive a fraternal hug from the province of Colon and especially from the university family of the Centro Regional Universitaria…..

this place was also under the occupation of a foreign government, I was born here and could not travel to this territory,..we experienced and lived in apartheid here in our own country... as product of a trans-generational struggle today we can enjoy that it is part of us....

James Finies President NKBB:

I am in front of you today my friends from Panama to denounce the Apartheid that we live in Bonaire I thank all friends present here today for your support to stop apartheid in Bonaire and all violations of freedom and human rights that we are living every new day as Bonaire from the Dutch

The Dutch Kingdom pretends that it respects the human rights of its citizens but in the Caribbean, especially in Bonaire they have robbed us of our language, our culture, our land. Every day they steal the dreams of our people. The only thing we want is to live in freedom and peace

Open letter to Caricom Heads of States and Leadership

CARICOM Secretariat

Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown


June 13, 2022

Subject: Democracy - White House Briefing on the Ninth Summit of the Americas Meeting with Leaders of The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Dominican Republic

Honorable Caricom leaders,

We took note of the above mentioned important White House Briefing of June 10, 2022 statement on challenges stemming from Covid 19, natural disasters due to climate change and with closing statement ...”that the United States and CARICOM reaffirm our commitment to promoting and defending democracy and the rule of law, as enshrined in the Inter-American Democratic Charter”

With this letter directed to the Caricom Leaders and the American President Mr. Biden and Vice-President Mrs. Harris we would like to add that Bonaire as a small Caribbean island, we were the victim of forced illegal annexation and elimination of our democracy and reversed to an era of non-democracy when the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved on October 10, 2010.

One major critical issue at this summit was the theme of “democracy” where Cuba and Venezuela (which Bonaire is 50miles of the coast of Venezuela) democracy were the center point of this discussion. We would like to add our situation which was imposed in a state of non-democracy -where our people are being ruled in a status against their wishes which they democratically and legally rejected after the annexation on October 10, 2010, and were embedded under unequal rights in the Dutch Constitution in October 2017.

We urge the Caricom to discuss our island Bonaire as a individual case as it is of high urgency as it led to many violations of self-determination, democratic and human rights, eradication of the Bonaire natives, declared by the United Nations and International Community as crime against humanity:

Open borders for European Dutch that doubled the population in a decade, reducing the native Bonerians to less than 40%, minority on their own island.

Reversing education policies and laws, denying our children human rights to education in own native language, Papiamento.

Replacing changing our demography, lifting all small-market protections to open market, open pricing, wiping out all our local businesses replacing them with Dutch Europeans and others

Demoting and replacing all our local head of departments with Dutch immigrants taking over all local institutions and leadership positions

Rising and imposing taxes at level of Holland in Europe while our income is less than half of the income in Holland, Europe – land and property taxes increased by over 800% destitute locals from they inherited lands and food resources

Creating and maintaining social inequality, pushing over 60% of the population under half of the poverty line

We Bonerians, who are on an inevitable path to disappear as Caribbean people, we have no choice left but to reach out for support and solidarity to you as Caricom leaders at this critical moment in our history as the summit raised to global attention especially on the theme of democracy. This is very special as “our nations are bounded together by shared values, culture, history, and family ties” as you reaffirmed your commitment to promoting and defending democracy and the rule of law. Also, that you will work in partnership with civil society and the private sector to ensure that democracy delivers for all our people and to build safe, inclusive, prosperous, equitable, and climate resilient societies.

To substantiate all above mentioned violations and denial of our self-determination, democratic, social, political, cultural human rights we commissioned and finalized recently an independent United Nations recognized report: “Assessment of self-governance sufficiency in conformity with internationally-recognized standards: Country Bonaire” and video-report that we would like to disseminate to yours Caricom leaders.

Thank you for taking time to read our note—We know it is a lot of information, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Your Sincerely,

James Finies – President Nos Ke Boneiru Bek

Davika Bissessar – President Bonaire Human Rights


James Finies President We Want Bonaire Back and Davika Bissessar President Bonaire Human Rights Organization


James Finies President We Want Bonaire Back and Dr Carlyle Corbin author of Self Governance Assessment Country Bonaire- UN Expert


2018 Bonaire Human Rights and We Want Bonaire Back headed delegation with deposed government of St Eustatius to Caricom Headquarters Guyana to discuss Dutch atrocities

Workshop “Train the Trainer”

Recently the Bonaire United Nations Executive Committee, known as NUKEB in association with Bonaire Human Rights, organized a workshop “Train the Trainer” on the principles of Nos Kier Boneiru Bek’s trajectory to re-list Bonaire back on the list of NSGT of the UN. This workshop was held at Captain Don's Habitat for a group of associates that consisted of members from political
parties and members of the Executive Committee. The main objective was for the members of this new commission be trained and certified on having a sound understanding on NKBB’s Trajectory so that they can in turn organize workshops for the general audience of Bonairians. 

Welcome speeches and why a workshop on this topic of the list of NSGT of United Nations, were given by the party leaders, Mr. Aljano Emerenciana (1UUP); Mrs. Suzy Thode (URB) and Mrs.Marugia Janga (FSP).

The program was spread over the whole day with a lunch-break and included presentations by NUKEB citizens representative Mr. Sedney Marten: “Introduction on the Executive Committee NUKEB”, and “Actual status of Bonaire with regards to re-listing and article 73 of the UN Charter” and “Assessment of self-governance sufficiency in conformity with internationally-recognized standards, Country Bonaire”, A photo – journal “The Journey to Freedom” presented by president of Bonaire Human
Rights Organization Mrs. Davika Bissessar and Mr. Ilyas Fdis, a student from the United Nations Student Association and from the University of Amsterdam who is doing an internship with the Bonaire Human Rights Organization. Mr. James Finies presented:”The meaning of the Non-Self- Governing-Territories of the UN”, “How can we put Bonaire back on the list of UN” and “Benefits of
re-listing on the UN- NSGT”

After the presentations, questions and discussions, all participants took an evaluation-test to assess that the presented information has been comprehended with the objective to continue to share these with
other citizens.

The workshop also included some participation from Curacao from the Peoples Platform that are aspiring and walking the trajectory of the United Nations, in the person of human rights activist, Mr. Marlon Regales and chairwoman of SEDA Mrs. Meyrtha Leetz-Cijntje. A special note was the active
participation of three former ministers of government, Mrs. Marugia Janga, Mr. Edsel Cecilia and Mr. Frensel Janga whom themselves personally have experienced the deficient government system that the “Bonaire self-governance assessment” which was completed at the end of last year that determined that
the actual political status of Bonaire does not comply and fall below the minimum standards required by United Nations and International Law.

At the end of the day all participants received a certificate of participation and with the learned information from the workshop; they are equipped with ample knowledge and know-how to continue sharing and raising awareness of this topic to the Bonaire people.